so send her away ...
bike, run:
aerobic exercise prevents diabetes. Along
with the right diet and Aloe Vera Gel.
people; exercise.
counts. Almost
like eating intelligently. Why,
they say scientists today: the diet alone is not enough to
control diabetes, but it must be combined with regular physical
activity. Word
of a study presented at the congress of the blue of the American
Academy of Neurology and conducted at the University of Utah.
summary, researchers have shown that a smart and smooth movement
can regenerate damaged nerves from the first moves of diabetes.
people who have insufficient glucose tolerance, in fact, two and
half hours of moderate exercise a week, perhaps in the form of
jogging or swimming in the pool, along with a little 'attention
to food can lead to a weight loss of 7 percent, enough to obtain
this result on nerve filaments. |
important effect on the early stages of diabetic neuropathy, which can
not be stopped when the disease has already damaged nerves, was observed
by measuring the density of the nerves in the legs of 32 patients with
incipient diabetes. After
a month of controlled diet and daily exercise, the nerve filaments
become more dense and therefore the best conductors of signals without
the slightest recourse to drugs.
American research has explained some of the scientific reasons of an
effect observed in a recent study by the University of Perugia,
coordinated by Pierpaolo De Feo of the Italian Society of Diabetology (Sid).
Italian research has analyzed the outcome of physical activity and
energy expenditure on the treatment and the social and health costs of
diabetes mellitus type 2.
followed 179 diabetic patients for two years after they have been
divided into six equal groups by age, sex, duration of diabetes and
metabolic syndrome parameters, but different in terms of energy
expenditure (expressed in Mets / hour, a measure of 'exercise obtained
by multiplying the intensity for the duration), "says De Feo:"
After two years, the sedentary show no change in terms of pressure,
waist circumference and blood sugar, but they spent on drugs 558 euro
more per year . Those
who, however, did a bit 'of activity showed no improvement in the
parameters studied, but have not used drugs. Otherwise
things went for those patients who have activated a medium-high energy
expenditure, walking briskly, cycling, dancing, doing aerobics, swimming
or vogatando. These
patients have improved parameters and significantly reduced the drugs.
on this and many other scientific surveys that demonstrate the necessity
of regular exercise to the American Diabetes Association (Ada) has
developed recommendations for people suffering from type 2 diabetes, the
most common form, made in accordance with the American
College Of Sports Medicine and published in "Diabetes Care."
summary, people with diabetes are recommended aerobic activities of
resistance, such as slow running, swimming or just long walks, obviously
associated with the dietary guidelines. And
also about diet, change the theory which has until now drawn the power
of diabetics: the experts do not pose more rigid barriers to the
consumption of carbohydrates, fighting instead excess lipids. These
simple measures can buffer the effects of a dangerous but inevitable
age-related mechanism, able to promote the onset of the disease: the
older you get more muscle mass tends to decrease and the muscles consume
less energy even at rest. The
increased fat within the muscle bundles unbalanced insulin activity,
which becomes less and less effective, kicking off the process of
insulin resistance.
phenomenon, in time, leads the pancreas to produce increased amounts of
insulin, however, less effective because the muscle tissue sees the bad.
opens the way to diabetes. "Regular
exercise can stop this negative chain," say experts of 'Ada on
"Diabetes Care."
enough. The
latest research shows that regular activity, as well as to gradually
reduce the resting metabolism, also influences the production of heat
caused by foods. This
phenomenon is mediated by a series of specific hormonal signals. In
particular regular physical activity acts directly on corticotropin
which induces a reduction in calorie intake and an increase in energy
consumption. With
exercise it promotes the synthesis of this hormone and you consume more
calories with important consequences on sugar metabolism and on blood
glucose. For
this, the "ClinicaI guidelines on the identification, evaluation
and treatment of overweight and obesity in adult" of the National
Institute of Health in Bethesda indicate that increased physical
activity alone or in combination with a dietary treatment, is a
protective factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes regardless of
weight loss. Recommendations
on which also agrees that the International Diabetes Federation in its
latest guidelines, drawn up on the basis of the results of the largest
studies on disease, indicates that regular exercise alone is able to
bring down significantly the values of glycated hemoglobin
( parameter that indicates the percentage of glucose binds to hemoglobin
in red blood cells) in diabetics. Both
aerobic exercises is heavier, like weight lifting, if done regularly and
for long periods represent a variable that can positively influence the
exercise then becomes the key weapon to counter the advance of diabetes,
which already affects at least five percent of Italians. It
always occurs first. "The
rapid growth of obesity and type 2 diabetes is tied hand in glove with
lifestyle," says Antonio Pontiroli, president of the Congress of
the Italian Society of Diabetology: "The tests are the numbers.
percent of type 2 diabetes has more than 65 years, but as many as 37
percent are between 45 and 65, and five percent of patients are under 35
". When
you consider that after 15-20 years of onset of diabetes may occur
series cardiovascular and renal complications, there is a real danger
that in future heart attacks hit more and more young people.
on nutrition experts have developed a new pyramid: between the nutrients
off limits there are fat. The
advice comes from the prestigious American scientific association is to
limit fats, proteins control, consume plenty of fruits and vegetables
and not give up the occasional slice of cake or glass of wine. To
give the shoulder to the ancient scientific theorems several studies,
which showed that the fundamental principle to be observed is the amount
of carbohydrate consumed, and not their specific origin.
short, the importance of the glycemic index, for pasta and
desserts are no longer charged to cause spikes in blood glucose
that the body struggles to compensate than other carbohydrates,
thus increasing the risks for the diabetic.
it is true that the push to glucose-induced these foods is
increased, it is equally undeniable that the studies of large
numbers of people have not shown any benefit of diets with foods
with a low glycemic index than the other. Not
only. The
indications Ada vote out the excess protein in place of
carbohydrates. In
the long run the excess protein meat, eggs and cheese is not
useful to the body of the diabetic, but rather can strain the
kidneys. In
any case not more than 20 percent of total calories should come
from proteins, while for the dressing should be privileged olive
regularly every day a small cup of ALOE VERA GEL the level of
glucose in the blood can be lowered far below dangerous levels
because the ALOE VERA has the power to stabilize the human body
by lowering the level of blood sugar for those who have too high
and raise the level of sugar for those who have too low *.
a confirmation: provided it is counted in caloric balance,
nothing shall prevent the glass of wine at lunch and dinner for
the man, while the woman must be limited to one drink a day. |
fats are killer for diabetics prove it also studies about the
positive impact on mortality of treatment with drugs to reduce LDL
cholesterol in the blood such as statins. According
to research that has examined the results of 12 large clinical
trials conducted by the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine and
clinical cardiology at the University of Lisbon published in the
"British Medical Journal", drug therapies to lower
cholesterol are useful in both non-diabetic diabetics. |
for the same decreasing levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, who
derives the greatest benefits in terms of life span are diabetics.
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Dental Health and Hygiene
Aloe Vera is extremely healthful for your mouth
and gums. Take that to your next dentist
Rapid Soothing
Aloe Vera enhances fibroblast function.
Fibroblast are those remarkable little cells
responsible for collagen formation. They also
assist in the soothing of minor burns, cuts,
scrapes and skin irritations.
in Healthy Digestion
A healthy digestive tract ensures that nutrients
from the foods we eat are absorbed into the
blood stream. Aloe Vera has natural, detoxifying
abilities. Drinking Aloe Vera Gel regularly may
improve bowel regularity and increase protein
absorption, while at the same time decrease
unfriendly bacteria and yeast ?all done
naturally! Aloe Vera has also demonstrated its
ability to assist in soothing heartburn and
other types of digestive upset.
Support and Function
Aloe Vera provides natural support for the
immune system. Since the immune system works
around the clock protecting the body, aloe vera,
with its natural immune enhancers, gives the
body a continual arsenal from which to draw.
Drinking 2 to 4 ounces of Aloe Vera Gel
regularly may give your immune system the
helping hand it needs
Weight and Energy Levels
Aloe Vera Gel naturally, and with regular use,
allows the body to cleanse the digestive system.
Our diets include many unwanted substances which
can cause lethargy and exhaustion. Taken
regularly, Aloe Vera Gel ensures a greater
feeling of well-being, allowing energy levels to
increase and helping to maintain a healthy body
and Elastin Repair
Aloe Vera can add a rich supply of building
materials to produce and maintain healthy skin.
The skin replenishes itself every 21 to 28 days.
Using the nutritional building blocks of aloe
vera, the skin can utilize these nutrients daily
to help combat the effects of aging! A daily
dose of Aloe Vera Gel can be just what your skin
is thirsting for.
Dose of Minerals
Some of the minerals found in aloe vera include
calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium,
magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc. What a
powerful storehouse! We all know that adding
foods to our diets with naturally occurring
vitamins and minerals is recommended for overall
health. Drinking Aloe Vera Gel is a natural and
healthful way to replenish the body supply.
Dose of Vitamins
Aloe Vera Gel includes Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6,
B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin. The human
body simply cannot store some of these vitamins;
therefore we need to supplement them regularly
through our diets. What better way than by
drinking a daily dose of Aloe Vera Gel, while at
the same time building the body defense system
naturally against oxidative stress!
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Vera Gel has 12 natural substances that have
been shown to inhibit inflammation without side
effects. Aloe may also support proper joint and
muscle mobility.
Body-Building Blocks
Amino acids are our body building blocks. Eight
which are essential and cannot be made by the
body are found within the aloe plant! Drinking
Aloe Vera on a regular basis allows you to help
maintain your health by replenishing your body
naturally with these essential amino acids. An
analysis of the aloe vera plant shows that it
comes closer than any other known plant to the
duplication of essential amino acids. Just
think ? all this, and in just 2 to 4 ounces a